Pork Hunter

Friday, August 25, 2006

Sen. Tom McClintock for Lt. Governor

I am going to reprint an e-mail I have received, and you will agree with me that we need more men like Tom in government. Listen to what happened over the weekend:
Protecting Our Property Rights
California Republican Party Endorses Proposition 90

The California Republican Party endorsed Proposition 90 (known as Save our Homes), the November ballot initiative that will restore our basic property rights. The endorsement came Sunday at the GOP’s state convention in Los Angeles.

“The Republican Party’s endorsement is important, but this issue is neither Republican or Democratic—it is fundamentally American,” said State Senator Tom McClintock. “This is about restoring the original property rights protections of the American Bill of Rights that were ripped out of the Constitution by the Kelo decision of the U.S. Supreme Court a year ago.”

During the convention on Saturday morning, Tom McClintock led a workshop on protecting our property rights. The Protecting our Property Rights workshop was held to raise the awareness of Proposition 90 and build support for the initiative among Republican faithful. Senator McClintock was joined by Assembly member Mimi Walters, Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby, Orange County Register senior editorial writer and columnist Steven Greenhut and Bob Blue, a business owner of a luggage shop in Hollywood who has been a victim of eminent domain abuse. About 100 delegates to the CRP’s convention this weekend attended the workshop in support of the initiative.

McClintock said last year’s Court decision broke the Social Compact that gives government its legitimacy and opened a new era when the rich and powerful can use government to seize the property of ordinary citizens for private gain. Government may now literally take the house of a person it doesn’t like and give it to a person that it does like. Stripped of all the sophistries and euphemisms, this is what it comes down to.

“There are 6,000 public agencies in California that now have the power to seize your home, pay you pennies on the dollar for it, and then give it to somebody else for their own personal gain and profit,” McClintock said. “Since this decision in June 2005, California lawmakers have failed to act, failed to ‘fix’ the Kelo decision and restore our property rights. Sadly, it now falls upon the people of California to take action and pass Proposition 90.”
You know he's right. I know he's right. Haven't we all been asking, "Why isn't the government doing anything?"

Well, if they did that, they would be giving up their power. We must stop them. Please join us in this fight. It is a worthy one.

To contribute to Tom's campaign for Lt. Governor, please click here. Thank you for all of your help in advance. :)

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Category: Politics/Debate and CA.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Look Inside Senator Tom McClintock

“A Public Life – the Tom McClintock Story”
was Unveiled for GOP’s County Chairs.

When the new DVD highlighting the public life of State Senator Tom McClintock was unveiled this weekend during the California Republican Party’s state convention in Los Angeles, it was the County Chairmen’s Association that saw it first. As the county chairs were meeting Friday afternoon, the lights dimmed and the video story began. Eight minutes later, Tom McClintock, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, walked through the door and was greeted to a thunderous applause and a standing ovation.

“The venue was significant,” said John Feliz, the campaign’s director and chief strategist. “The County Chairs are critical to the party’s success and are responsible for recruiting and deploying Republican volunteers across the state’s 58 counties. They are committed to the Republican Party and to making sure Tom McClintock is elected Lt. Governor.”

The response by the county chairs was tremendous and created a buzz the rest of the weekend.

Produced by the California Republican Party, the DVD actually runs 7-minutes and 37-seconds and will be used to showcase Tom in both small and large gatherings. The story talks about McClintock growing up in Southern California and his entry into politics at an early age. Several minutes are dedicated to McClintock’s campaign for Governor during the historic Recall race of 2003.

If you are looking to help Tom become your next Lt. Governor, invite your friends over and share the video story. The video is available for viewing on McClintock’s campaign Web site: www.HelpTom.com. Watch “A Public Life – the Tom McClintock Story” today!

By the way, the DVD is also posted to one of the most popular sites on the World Wide Web. Now, people who visit the online video portal YouTube can learn more about Tom McClintock. Tell your friends!

Category: CA.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

It could be me...

I don't seem to know how to wrap my mind around a bill {HR 4 [Pension Protection Act of 2006 (Considered and Passed by House)]} that is supposed to help pensions, yet this bill includes such things as: Duty suspensions on wool products (HR 4; Chapter 2--Miscellaneous provisions Sec. 1631. Vessel Repair Duties), Sec. 829. Allow rollovers by nonspouse beneficiaries of certain retirement plan distributions, Subtitle D--Health and Medical Benefits (why is the Federal government getting into these pockets?), and so much more.

The first incident I provided was found at bottom of the whole written bill. The others are from the short title. There is absolutely no way to tell what in God's name they have hidden in there.

I would provide a link, but they don't seem to work for me. When you go to the Thomas Guide, enter HR 4. You will then see 3 articles that are a complete match. I chose the 2nd one, which is named above. From there, you're on your own. lol.

I do not know why they need so many pieces of paper to write one bill. Can you imagine it? Where are the environmentalists? I object!

Maybe we need to pass a bill that states if the bill takes more than 3 pieces of paper, it must submitted to the citizens of the United States for consideration. Maybe then we could really see what is going on and stop it before it even gets started. Hey, I can dream, right?

Category: Congress.

Monday, August 14, 2006

State Sen. Tom McClintock is "The Man"

Have you ever met a politician you wanted to take home because they were so sincere, true their principles and knew the difference between legal and illegal without having to look it up in the legal books? This is State Senator Tom McClintock.

His 19th District covers a little corner of Los Angeles while the bulk of his constituents are in Santa Barbara and Ventura. There are 846,791 people in his district, while only 496,419 people are registered to vote. 182,802 (36.8%) are registered Democrats, and there are 210,585 (42.4%) registered Republicans.

In his re-election to State Senate seat, he won handily. Deservedly so. He is a man who will answer any question you have without beating around the bush. Illegal aliens? No! Pro-Growth? Yes. Private or public? Private. On down the line.

He can astonish people with his one word answers. One reason being they never expect it from a politician! He is the type of citizen-politician that anyone could love.

This year, Sen. McClintock is running for Lt. Governor. He needs our help. His site is McClintock! For Lt. Governor. If you could help in anyway, the state of California would be eternally grateful. Thank you, and have a wonderful day.

Catergory: CA.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Fiscal Irresponsibility and the Economic Support Fund

While I support the idea of stopping the trafficking of men, women and children for sexually explicit and despicable actions; I cannot for the life of me understand why we need 266 programs to deal with this problem.

This is Congresswoman MM's amendment for the Economic Support Fund for two million more dollars. This is part of the Foreign operations, export financing, and related programs appropriations bill, 2007, passed on June 5, 2006.

To see the Congresswoman''s amendment, http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/R?r109:FLD001:H53533. (I have decided to leave the link open to you, because I'm tired of chasing it. lol. I post, I link, it doesn't work. Argghhh!)

My good Lord! Have you ever seen ever seen how many items are in just one of these appropriations? We must attack this problem, so we are able to read each appropriation with ease. No kidding. Now back to the topic. :)

Morally, I believe we have a leg to stand on. Constitutionally? Within our borders, back in the day, I believe that would have the right thing to do. We did not have the type of transportion we have today, so I am not clear. Don't we need a treaty or an amendment to spend this kind of money, even though it is morally the right thing to do?

Next years appropriations bill which includes the Economic Support Fund has grown to the gross amount of $2,650,740,000. That's right, TWO TRILLION DOLLARS. How is it we cannot fix our budget again?

I do not want another politician, from either party, crying about the deficit. Let me do that for you. At least my tears will be sincere. I cannot believe this. And the Republicans are in charge? OF WHAT?

Category: Congress.

Missing in 2006?

I went to check out some of Congresswoman MM's links such as: Press Releases, Statements, and Legislation. Her last speech was March 2005, her last press release was November 2005, and her last legislative act was for $250,000 to teach college students how to rig--er--be a poll worker.

Hey! I wonder, why did I never get paid? Oh, that's right. I volunteered! I was always under the impression that when you Volunteer, you do not get paid. No matter how noble.

If you are to be paid, it is called 'working.' I wonder, did they pay their Social Security tax, disability tax, medicare tax, city tax, state tax, and federal tax? After all, they were working...

Category: Congress.

Social Security and Personal Retirement Accounts

I found this cute little tidbit over at Congresswoman MM's website:

Survey Question: Do you support using Social Security resources to create Private Retirement Accounts?
Yes 5607 61.7
No 3475 38.2
Maybe 0.
Total: 9094.
Well. Isn't that interesting? She lives in a heavily Democrat district! Who knew? (Besides us, that is. lol)

Maybe the message about PRA's isn't dead? Hmm...

Category: Congress.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We Did It! Twice!

This is not related to MM's pork-spending, but it is definitely worth your attention. The Club for Growth has just informed me that we beat the pants off of the tax-hiking, big-spending Republicans. One was even an incumbant!

"Tim Walberg defeated Representative Joe Schwarz last night in Michigan's seventh district. The final tally was 53% to 47%, a decisive margin of victory." This is awesome! Let me explain why.
It's the first time any Republican has lost his primary this year and the first time in a dozen years a Republican has lost a primary based on ideology.

Voters sent a clear message to Congress that they are tired of the big-spending, big-government policies that contributed so much to incumbent Joe Schwarz's downfall.

Club members donated over $600,000 to Walberg's campaign and the Club for Growth PAC spent over $500,000 in independent expenditures including hard-hitting TV and radio ads that underscored Joe Schwarz's liberal record on economic issues.

This race showed the power of Club for Growth members acting together.

You beat the entire Republican establishment, which lined up solidly behind Schwarz despite his pork-happy spending. Schwarz had the backing of many left-wingers too. A prominent environmental group poured over $350,000 into the race. A who's who of labor unions kicked in over $130,000 and former Democratic Gov. Jim Blanchard made get-out-the-vote phone calls to Democrats urging them to vote for Schwarz in the primary.
Everyone who helped by donating, take a bow. Now for the second win. Colorado's 5th District was won by Doug Lamborn. We also endorsed him.
Club members donated over $200,000 to his campaign and the Club for Growth PAC spent nearly $100,000 on independent expenditures, including running TV ads during the closing days of the campaign.
This one was funny, however. There was a "Dewey beats Truman" moment when the Rocky Mountain News website stated that big tax-spender Crank had won. Had they waited a few moments, they would have realized the absentee ballots had brought Doug to victory. Yes!

Now I am going to do something for all of you who I know do not want your tax dollars going down the drain. I am going to let you in on a campaign that only has six days left to go. Although our record is 8-2, this is a must win.

"Sharron Angle, a taxpayer superstar from the Nevada Legislature, squares off against two tax hikers in a Republican primary in a strong Republican seat." This is possibly our last opportunity to make our voices heard. Please help her with a donation, and you may also help the Club the Growth with a donation.

This way, we can make more TV and radio ads. Please donate here. She is incredible, and you will not be sorry. Have a great day everyone, and thank you.

PS. Donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Category: Congress.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Death Tax=$2 Minimum Wage Hike? NO!

I don't know about you but where I come from, them's fightin' words. First of all, are you for growth or not? If you are, then you have to be against this bill.

Yes, I know the lilly-livered, weak-kneed Republicans tacked on the death tax, but do you understand the long term effect? If not, you have no business voting at all. If you do, then you would vote again this.

It is simple logic, really. No matter what, every presidential election cycle the minimum wage would go up two dollars. Do you want to be the one to break the news to these socialists (at the least) that there are no jobs because most people went out of business due to overhead (labor)?

The poor would suffer the most. No one would be able to hire the people who did not have experience, did not a history, and did not have a skill. Also, no one could afford to hire to someone to flip hamburgers at $19.15/hour?

Allow me a moment to explain this bill. Minimum wage will automatically rise two dollars each presidential cycle, while the death tax would be elimanated. That is the simple version.

It would only take seven cycles (4x7=28 years, and from $5.15 + 2=$7.15 + 2=$9.15 + 2=$11.15 + 2=$13.15 + 2=$15.15 + 2=$17.15 + 2=$19.15) to reach that median. That's only one generation!

Then you have to satisfy the unions. Should I go on, or do you get it? I wrote to them, and warned them against tying a great bill with a terrible bill.

HEY GOVERNMENT, this is NOT Germany's fascism, and we do not live under governmental decree. You not only will not, you can not tell us how to run a business, who to hire, how much to pay them, etc.

All of you people who do not want the big brother watching you, where are you? Oh, I see you have your dirty little hands out. Go figure.

Category: Economics 101 and Congress.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'll be right on it

I have to take care of something this morning, so I won't be available to do the research necessary to find another foolish and thievery way Congress is wasting our money, but I shall return!

For those of you in different districts, please pick up the mantle for your own district. I do not care if you are a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Leftist, or Conservative. We need to rein in this spending!

After all, isn't that our job? If we do not watch, if there are no gatekeepers, what is to stop them from all that temtation? They must know they are being watched. Have a great day.

Category: Congress.